Protecting Your Eyes in the Winter

Protecting Your Eyes in the Winter

Protecting Your Eyes in the Winter

When you think of a season during which you should protect your eyes, summer probably comes to mind. While summer can pose risks to your eye health, wintertime can too. Our optometry team at Kueber Eye Care in Park Rapids, MN, can explain why as well as provide some useful eye care steps for the season.

Why Is Eye Care More Important in the Winter?

Whether you enjoy curling up by the fire or being out in the snow, there are a few things that your eyes need protection from. The dry, windy air can lead to dry eye symptoms, as well as potentially blow harmful debris into your eye. Indoor heating can also lead to dry eyes. The sun can also cause a glare when it bounces off snow or ice, potentially impacting vision as well as eye health.

How Can I Protect My Eyes?

There are several steps you can take to protect your eyes, including those below.

Add Moisture

Both your eyes and your environment need moisture. Get some artificial tears to help prevent dry eye symptoms. Also, use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.

Wear Eye Protection Outdoors

One of the best ways to keep dry air and debris from impacting your eyes is to wear some form of protection. Both goggles and sunglasses can do this but sunglasses are usually the simpler option. Wrap-around sunglasses not only protect you from the weather and debris but also from the glare.

Turn the Heat Down

You may also be able to make the air in your home a little less dry by turning the temperature down.

Take a Break from Screens

Though wintertime is a great time for watching holiday movies or catching up with friends and loved ones online, limit your time in front of screens. We tend to blink less when looking at digital screens, which can dry the eyes out faster.

Get Eye Care from an Optometrist on Our Optometry Team

Let our optometry team at Kueber Eye Care in Park Rapids, MN, help you find the best eye protection for the winter by calling (218) 732-8535 to schedule an appointment. An “optometrist near me” is here to help.
